Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Vraks Dark Angels

Well last time I said 'brings us up to now' which strictly isn't true yet. The car conversation was last May, having returned home from the game I packed away the Chaos and went to work painting Dark Angels along side my normal painting commissions. Quickly a rather impressive force appeared.

I wanted to for a more realistic look of painting and colours, similar to the look in the Forge World Siege of Vraks books, and at first decided to follow the force list in the same books. My first focus would be on the 3rd Company under the command of Company Master Orias, with a Chaplain, two Tactical Squads, Two Assault Squads, Two Devastator Squads and a Dreadnought; and that was going to be it.

Handily this all coincided with my birthday (yes 38 and I still ask for toys) I treated myself to a tactical squad, my lovely wife brought me a rather nice Forge world, prometheus and a very useful box of Dark Angels Veterans was another gift from Gary. The Veterans box is great, sprues packed full of Dark Angels bits, Nick also donated his Veteran sprues after using the robed bodies for his Shattered Swords. These spare parts have lasted an entire year of converstions and Dark Angeling up tanks.

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