Tuesday, 28 February 2012

End of 2011/12 Campaign

The final Apocalypse game of this years campaign is approaching and while deciding on formations etc I thought it would be nice to field a full battle company as a formation. This causes two problems

1. I need to acquire and paint three more tactical squads and ideally nine Rhinos before April

2. It doesn't go with the Vraks list as the 3rd company wasn't a full company.

So I've abandoned the Vraks idea, and as it means I now will have one full battle company; why not do the rest. Which is the inspiration for me writing this blog. The collection of the entire Dark Angels Chapter.

To Break up the monotony of endless green I have decided to mix up a few Squads from other successor chapters as 'exchange' units.

Current Project then is the completion of the Battle Company, Still to go three Tactical Squads, 8 Rhinos, two Razor backs, and ten drop pods as I have that option. Then after that it will be a half ravenwing company.

I must be mad

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