Dark Angels
Saturday, 3 March 2012
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Snow and baking powder
I have been playing around with ways of making snow bases for the past two days, the campaign I have been playing in for the past year is on an ice planet called svaard and the final battle is taking part in the snow. So after a lot time I have finally decided to make the snow army I have always wanted, and it's the Dark Angels that get the pleasure of freezing their power armoured toes off.
I've looked at lots of commercially available snow basing material and it all comes in small pots and is rather expensive especially to rebase 130 troops; looking around on the internet I found a video on you tube of someone using baking soda. I had some in the kitchen so tried it out straight away and... it works really well. Just mix a bit into PVA glue and water and it starts to foam up, apply the foam (more watering down is needed) to the base where you want snow and then dip it into more dry baking powder; then allow to dry and varnish to harden it all up, it looks awesome and is easy as anything.
The tanks I dusted in baking powder, blew most of it off then varnished; it gives a nice lightly snowed on look.
I had to take some pictures and here they are.
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
End of 2011/12 Campaign
The final Apocalypse game of this years campaign is approaching and while deciding on formations etc I thought it would be nice to field a full battle company as a formation. This causes two problems
1. I need to acquire and paint three more tactical squads and ideally nine Rhinos before April
2. It doesn't go with the Vraks list as the 3rd company wasn't a full company.
So I've abandoned the Vraks idea, and as it means I now will have one full battle company; why not do the rest. Which is the inspiration for me writing this blog. The collection of the entire Dark Angels Chapter.
To Break up the monotony of endless green I have decided to mix up a few Squads from other successor chapters as 'exchange' units.
Current Project then is the completion of the Battle Company, Still to go three Tactical Squads, 8 Rhinos, two Razor backs, and ten drop pods as I have that option. Then after that it will be a half ravenwing company.
I must be mad
Almost up to date
Recently I have been playing around with a 1500 point Iron Wing list, it's very Landraider heavy but struggles to take objectives; scares most opponents though.
10 Man Tactical Squad
10 Man Tactical Squad
Land Speeder with assault Cannon and Heavy Bolter
Land Raider Prometheus
Land Raider Redeemer
Land Raider Achilles
By Combat Squading the Tactical Squads I get four Scoring units out of it and just have to be careful the don't get shop up. However the Landraiders, especially the Achilles are great fire magnets.
Land Raiders!
While in Stoke, another friend; Sam said he had a few Marine spares I could have, awesome I thought! The few spares were in fact a dreadnought, three squads of Tactical Marines, two Devastator Squads and three Assault Squads!
Oh and as I remembered now, here is a picture of a the Prometheus
So landraiders, the title of this posting. A customer of mine ordered an Achilles to be built and painted for is Ultramarine army, along with a lot of other superheavies. Forge World as usual messed up the order and sent the Achilles with two left hull sides. Simple enough fix you say, no; after a few attempts and complaints to FW they sent another Achilles Kit to say sorry, and a full Landraider kit to replace the missing parts. So a quick bitzbox order and I got myself two free landraiders!
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